Below are employment opportunities at Foundry Church. If you feel you are a good fit, fill out the employment application.

For more information about the postings, email


  • Top 3 of Communications Coordinator:

    1. Gather information from leadership and various departments to formulate what the church and the community need to be aware of

    2. Coordinate communication with the church body on vision, events, and schedules using multiple media channels

    3. Develop a communication system that other campus communication leads (volunteers or staff) can carry out

    Nuts and Bolts of Top 3:

    • Responsible for harvesting information and organizing it in a way that it can be clearly communicated

    • Discern what information needs to be communicated and create plans and processes for how to share that information

    • Maintain the Foundry’s social media accounts and website

    • Collaborate with other staff to communicate via other media channels

    • Create systems that can be multiplied, and train new campus leads on those systems

    • Align to the vision, mission, values, and brand standards of the Foundry Church

    • Engage in the Weekly Rhythm of the Foundry Church – Worship, Groups, and Serving

    You would be a great fit if you:

    • Have a degree in communications or a related field, or have related work experience

    • Are gifted in administration and organization

    • Love to creatively problem solve

    • Have a desire to serve others in the body of Christ and see them be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ

    Here’s why this (and us!) would be a great fit for you:

    • Everything is centered around the Word of God. Our beliefs, mission, vision, values, and culture.

    • We work very hard, give things our best effort, and sometimes fall down - but we pick ourselves up with the help of the team and try again and again. On the flip side, we have a ton of fun and have an amazing team of people on staff!

    • We have a large creative box to play in for our work that gives freedom to create and try new things.

    • Our hands stay open to what God wants to put in and what He wants to take out.

    • Our team and church are here based on calling, and will seek to Know God and Make Him Known.

    Role Details:

    • 20hrs / week

    • Night & Weekend availability (for special projects or events)

    • 2-3 days of in-o@ice work (Wednesdays are mandatory)

    Next Steps:

    • Please send an email to Kendra at with the following:

    o A copy of your resume

    o What interests you most about this position?

    o What is your favorite board game, book, or movie, and how do you think it reflects your approach to solving problems or communicating ideas?

  • Top 3 of Groups Coordinator:

    1. Administrative Support to the Groups Pastor

    2. Groups Event Planning

    3. Groups Communication

    Nuts and Bolts of Top 3:

    • Assist the Groups Pastor with administrative needs

    • Plan, execute, and host various Groups events

    • Orchestrate communication to Groups leaders and Groups participants as well as church-wide communication regarding Groups

    • Be a church-wide advocate for Groups

    • Align to the vision, mission, values, and brand standards of the Foundry Church

    • Engage in the Weekly Rhythm of the Foundry Church – Worship, Groups, and Serving

    You would be a great fit if you:

    • Have a drive and hunger to help people find community in the church

    • Are gifted in administration

    • Value relationships

    • Have a desire to serve others in the body of Christ and see them be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ

    Here’s why this (and us!) would be a great fit for you:

    • Everything is centered around the Word of God. Our beliefs, mission, vision, values, and culture.

    • We work very hard, give things our best eOort, and sometimes fall down - but we pick ourselves up with the help of the team and try again and again. On the flip side, we have a ton of fun and have an amazing team of people on staff!

    • We have a large creative box to play in for our work that gives freedom to create, try, and repeat.

    • Our hands stay open to what God wants to put in and what He wants to take out.

    • Our team and church are here based on calling, and will seek to Know God and Make Him Known.

    Role Details:

    • 18-24hrs / week

    • Night & Weekend availability (for events & Groups promotion)

    • 2-3 days of in-office work

    Next Steps:

    Please email a copy of your resume to Kendra at

  • Top 3 of Communications Coordinator:

    1. Coordinate weekly worship services with volunteers and interns

    2. Raise up worship leaders for venues and campuses

    3. Work with the Creative Director and serve on the Creative Team

    Nuts and Bolts of Top 3:

    • Lead worship approx. 32 times/year at our LIVE campus

    • Be present during the weeks not leading to support volunteers and interns (unless on vacation)

    • Develop an internship track to have a larger rotation of leaders on the team

    • Build up a pool of strong worship leaders who can fill new roles as they come up

    • Provide, either through self-involvement or team members, music and worship for events other than regular worship services (holidays, funerals, special events)

    • Ensure volunteers have all the needed elements for rehearsal and services and that all instruments are in proper working order

    • Align to the vision, mission, values, and brand standards of the Foundry Church

    • Engage in the Weekly Rhythm of the Foundry Church – Worship, Groups, and Serving

    You would be a great fit if you:

    • Are musically proficient and have a skilled level of vocal ability along with the talent to lead a team from a guitar or piano

    • Are gifted in administration and organization

    • Have a hunger for relationships – relationships with the volunteers and investing into them to grow them spiritually and in their giftedness, and relationships with the staff to engage in a team atmosphere

    • Have a desire to serve others in the body of Christ and see them be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ

    Here’s why this (and us!) would be a great fit for you:

    • Everything is centered around the Word of God. Our beliefs, mission, vision, values, and culture.

    • We work very hard, give things our best effort, and sometimes fall down - but we pick ourselves up with the help of the team and try again and again. On the flip side we have a ton of fun and have an amazing team of people on staff!

    • We have a large creative box to play in for our work that gives freedom to create and try new things.

    • Our hands stay open to what God wants to put in and what He wants to take out.

    • Our team and church are here based on calling and will seek to Know God and Make Him Known.

    Role Details:

    • 40hrs / week

    • Mon-Thurs OUice Hours

    • Wednesday Evenings and Sunday Mornings are required

    Next Steps:

    • Please send an email to Kendra at with the


    o What interests you most about this position?

    o Video links of you leading worship